Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Calls from School Pay Phone

I received call around 10am few days ago. When I picked up it had been disconnected. I called back the number but it was busy tone.

Yesterday around 10am when I just reached office, suddenly my phone rang. It was the same number calling me few days ago. I picked up and it was so noisy on the other side. It was MG calling me. He was not sure that he was calling my number and  he asked "are you my mummy?"

It was so sweet that he called me during recess before buying food. He said he put in 50 cent into the payphone. I said don't waste money for this call. Put 10 cent can already. He made my day by calling me in the morning. So so sweet. I was not expecting it.

He recently did sweet things for me like preparing my birthday present from many days before hand. When I coughed night time, he got me a cup of water and said "Mummy, you drink!". I think he is a sweet boy. He just needs to manage his emotion more.

He mentioned that he wanted to call me again from his school. I told him that it's better to save his money than just calling me too often. He just needs to learn how to save money since young. Everything needs to get started from young age and it will be habitual later on.

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