Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Balance

Last few months, I had been having uncontrolled expenses. I remember my self 4 years ago (2004-2005), that I always bring my small paper, wrote in my daily meal and my transport fare. By the end of the month I calculated everything and got my happiness number of the month.

I had been thinking about being back to the way I was living. The first step I did is buying a small notebook (have to be cheap also). Then since early of November, I has started my list of expenses.

My target for every month is not exceed 500$, but for November is exceptional. Few reasons are:
1. My PR was approved (pay $175)
2. My colleague's wedding lunch (give $100)
3. Niko is going back to Jkt, have to give my mother money.
4. My wedding gown rental fee (Niko borrowed my money $50)

Hope the number will be smaller next month.

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