Thursday, March 13, 2014

3rd Week with Marco

My 3rd week was kind of boring one. I just did the same again and again for days. Slept late and woke up late because he cried asking for milk in the middle of the night.

He looked bigger than when we went home from KKH. Niko weighted him, he was 4.1kg on his 3rd week. He gained significant amount because of increasing appetite.

I realized he started getting smelly, especially on the back of his head and neck. Even the pillow was also smelly. He perspired a lot and caused smell. However the smell was kind of baby smell.

Geraldine visited me with Cohen and her husband. They brought a lot of preloved baby clothes, kind of napkins and some new clothes for Marco. Thanks a lot to them. Marco no need to buy clothes for the next 3-4 months.

Marco started getting trouble to sleep on the night time on this week. He seems to have colic. After feeding he still has not settled yet. He is like pushing to pass motion but couldn't make it.

We started have some trouble sleeping also because of him also. He sleeps well in afternoon but disturbed by colic at night time.

Here are some photos on his 3rd week.

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