Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pregnancy Week 5

I had been waiting for my period since 7th July as my last period fell on 13th June 2013. I had the symptoms of PMS in terms of physical but emotionally I could not remember whether I had it or not.

I had a white discharge during my convocation ceremony which I thought it was my period. I was thinking that luckily the gown is dark blue.

I missed my period till one week after it supposed to be. I told my husband that we needed to buy a pack of urine pregnancy test. I ended up bought it at Guardian Compass Point on Friday 19th July. Too bad it couldn't be used immediately because it would be more accurate on morning. A pack was around $12 for 2 test packs.

The next morning, I tested on Saturday morning. The C windows came a while after the urine penetrated the surface. The T window was taking a bit longer to show the result. The T window's result was showing a line in a lighter color compared to the C window's one. It took about 5 minutes to see the result.

A week after that, I tested again using the second pack to make sure I am really pregnant. This time, the T window's result came out first. It was really fast compared to last week test. The dark pink line showed immediately followed by the C window's result. This time took about less that 1 minute. So...super positive!!!

I guess this graph explain that why the second test was quick.

The C window is actually to let us know whether the test kit is valid or not valid. C stands for Control.
The T window is actually to let us know whether the woman is pregnant or not pregnant. T stands for Test. It works based on Human Chorionic Gonadropin (HCG) hormon.

The later I carry the test, the higher HCG in my body. That's why the result from a week after was very quick and showed darker line.

Niko yet didn't really show his excitement to this good news. :(

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