Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pregnancy week 13

I took leave 2 days before the check up day. On wednesday 11th Sept 2013 we went to KKH, AMC clinic to get a NT scan and blood test. Total cost $450. :( The bad news was I can not replace my leave to MC (somehow they provide MC letter for that day)

They took the blood first and asked me to go up to the clinic. Before the scan, I had to empty my bladder. Then we went to the USG room to get NT scan for down syndrom.

Some how the baby was not cooperating, the position made the doctor difficult to see the neck. The thickness of the fluid on the neck will determine whether I have hi-risk or low-risk. In the middle of the scan, she said I still had urine so I needed to go toilet again. The usg took some times, may be 30 minutes.

On this 13th week, we could see the hands and legs clearly. Even we can see the fingers. Sometimes the baby put the thumb on its mouth. We could see the heart beat and the blood inflow and outflow through the umbilical cord.

That time during the end of the usg (after 20minutes) I saw Niko lost interest on seeing the baby. He started to get busy with the phone. Checking "something"...

The result was explained to us after the usg. The result from the usg scan was low-risk but we still need to see the blood test result. The blood test result was sent to me via sms on the next day and it was low-risk. Fiuhhhh....I hope that next visit on week 16th I can know the gender.

The cost for checking the blood and downsyndrom double test was $417.30...I truly can understand why Singaporeans are not really keen to have children.

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