We went to KKH for our first appointment to see our gynea, recommended by Roland See. The private suite is good.
First we registered and the nurse directed us to go to regular check up (urine test and weight). After that we waited for around 20 minutes to go in to the room.
It was our turn...the gynea asked us how long we have been married. I said 6...he said 6 months? I answered 6 years. :) He was wondering why we delayed so long to have a baby. Niko answered I actually the one who was keep delaying.
He then asked me to go inside to the USG room. I loosened my bottom and laid down. He screened and said there was only one fetus. He measured from crown to tail was about 3.5cm. I was so relieved that it was a fetus on the screen. Not grapes.
He said every thing was good and prescribed folic acid to take with my supplement.
At the cashier, the bill was $157.82
What happen to the baby in week 10?
• Your baby may begin to move as early as this week, although you will not feel it until several weeks later.
• The finger and toe notches on the hands and feet start to separate into webbed digits.
• The neck develops and starts to straighten.
• The nose (including nasal openings), upper lip and tongue are formed, and external ears start to take shape.
• The eye lenses finish developing, and eyelids start to cover the eyes, which up until now have been uncovered.
What happen to my body in week 10?
• The morning sickness symptoms may begin to ameliorate slightly. If you may start to notice your veins more (e.g., in your tummy and breasts), it's because your blood volume increases by about 50% during pregnancy.
• If your doctor has a Doppler, you may hear your baby's heartbeat!
• Although you probably still won't be showing, you may notice your abdomen begin to pooch out, and that your waistline is slowly disappearing!
• You may have found that your taste for foods has changed since becoming pregnant. Some foods you previously liked may now seem unappetizing to you.