Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pregnancy Week 34

We went to KKH this morning for routine check up. The doctor said my baby is engaged already. His head is already at the bottom. His weight now is 2.9kg. He advised me not to eat to much. I didn't actually.

The usg photo is getting unclear what the picture is about.

After that, we went to MC.D to have light breakfast $2 pancake. 2 pieces for each to keep our stomach filled. Then continue our visit to admission center. We actually just at the right time as the officer said latest by next visit we must fill the form.

We choose ward A1, single occupancy while the charges for the room will be based on my status as permanent resident. The baby charges will follow father's status as resident. Actually, after comparing the price since we are taking ward A1, there's no difference between resident and permanent resident. The difference starts from ward B1.

While for baby, the charges for A1 is the same between resident and permanent resident (for nursery and other complication case). For B1 class, charges for nursery is the same as A1. Complication case will be different between resident and permanent resident.

In case I have the sign of labor, what I need to bring for admission is NIRC, appoinment booklet, NIRC of husband, and initial payment. I can immediately go to Delivery suite level 2, women's tower.

For my hospital bag, I need to bring pyjamas (I actually don't have), undergarments, slippers, bath towel, tootbrush, tootpaste, comb, soap, and shampoo. For baby we need to prepare 2 baby vests, 2 pair mittens and booties, 2 wrapping blankets.

Remembering the doctor said the head is engaged already, I recently have been feeling my pelvic muscles are stretch then the movement of my baby getting lesser. He tend to wiggle instead of kicking like months ago. The movement is getting more frequent even though it's not a obvious movement.

I only want to have smooth delivery on the day. I hope he is not suffering from jaundice also when he is out.

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