Saturday, May 30, 2015

Marco Turns 15 months

Marco became smarter and he understands what we said to him. He dances when I start singing some nursery rhymes. I also allowed him to go out evening with my helper.

Just before he turned 15 months, I have looked for playgroup for him. I think the nearest one that accept 15 month-old toddler just Genius Tots in Quartz near Buangkok MRT. Niko didn't agree but I insisted to enroll him as at home he has nothing to do.

According to my helper, the activity is play with the lego on the floor, then sing song with teacher, and colouring. I think it's still better than the two of them at home everyday till next year 2016. She said Marco is the youngest in the class. However he never cry during the class except when my helper was out.

Now every Saturday I bring Marco out to Serangoon NEX. Two weeks back I brought him after his lunch. The third time I brought him before his lunch and we had lunch together. It was like a date with my little man. He then also can learn about eating out and table manner. I really must enjoy every second I spend time with my son.

Every time I want to go out with him, he points at his head. He means where his hat is. So he learns that every time he goes out he needs to wear hat. The only sad things about Marco is until now he has not called me "mummy" yet. I thought that word supposed to be the first word comes from a baby's mouth.

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