Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pregnancy Week 30

There's a night I couldn't sleep well. I woke up 2-3 times a night to pee. After pee, I couldn't continue sleeping as my baby keep kicking, moving, and having hick up.

I am getting weaker this week. Even standing for a while it makes me feel very very tired.

I even had black out during my groceries shopping at Giant tampines. Niko didn't realize how serious the situation was. I couldn't even stand strait on my own. My ears has buzzy sound. My eyes couldn't focus anymore. My back was all cold because I could literally feel the pores were all open. I tried to keep breathing to get oxygen supply to my brain. I suspected it was anemic and I didn't get enough oxygen to my brain. Till I didn't realize what happened. I leaned my body on the grocery trolley and the panadol display shelf near the cashier. I didn't even realize one or two pack of panadol were dropped.

After few minutes I recovered. Not fully recovered but at least I was able to stand on my feet on my own. So I waited him at the ground floor in front of guardian.

It was the 3rd time I had black out.

We went to the doctor on the next day. My glucose tolerant test was normal in result. It was a relieve. But the baby is a bit to big for his gestational age.

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