I give example on what kind of transformation I have gone through. Last time I bought a plain white T-shirt because it was labelled by D&G for $80 while Giordano has the same one for $6. Now I bought a Furla bag because I only can find this design at Furla store. I could find similar design in other store but I don't like it 100%, compared to Furla one. So you got the difference?
According to research, people bought branded things is because they lack of confidence. So to boost their confidence, they carry branded bags to be perceived as rich person. They are too concern on what other people think about them. I do still bought branded items not because of the above reason. I am more on my personal satisfaction possessing the items I like.
Let me share the lesson I have learned if you wanna buy branded things.
1. Buy a classic design rather that latest seasonal items
Compare a chanel 2.55 design with a Balenciaga bag ( It's not about the colour. It's about the design )

2. Buy an branded items because of material quality or design rather that LOGO on your face.
Compare these 2 AX T-shirt. One of the T-shirt here reminds me of one ex-colleague from Philipines. He is like walking free ad for AX.

There are some people who don't eat to save some money buying branded bags. If you can not afford then you better don't forced yourself to buy. We should just buy things within our comfortable level. If you already sacrifice basic needs to buy something secondary, there must be something wrong about you.
The branded minded person is just too shallow or childish on selecting their consumption because they just judge the things based on what labelled the things are coming with. They even not considering about the design.
Anyway it depends on people preference and priority. I am just throwing out idea in my head because of today afternoon I meet somebody who is overly branded minded and yesterday we had similar conversation on what reason my colleague bought a watch.
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