Sunday, April 5, 2015

Marco 13th Months

Since I bought the "see baby" compact stroller, Marco and I have our time together for evening walk. Some times we have a morning walk and evening walk, depends on my mood and the weather.

He likes to watch birds, pigeons or mynas, cats or dogs.

After his 1 year old birthday, he is more talkative and he walks more. He already point things he wants or he is excited about. Got a day when we went to library, he approaches an older boy and he pointed at the boy's head. His index finger almost touched the boys head. I think he was so excited about the boy.

He also already understands when we said put back or close the drawer. He becomes sweeter as he comes and hug me.

He was so tired today that he approached Niko and pretend to sleep on his chest. When we said Marco is time to sleep, he walked to his room and approached his crib. He tried to climb up to his crib. I just surprised he began to understand things we said.

I began to feel my love to Marco is getting stronger. I didn't feel so when he was born. I was like normal to him. When he was 4-10 months I felt so irritated if he did something that made me tired. I just feel different recently, may be because he can react to me. He can out of nowhere, hug me and laid his head on my chest. He sometimes giggles at me and tries to pick my nose. When I come home from work, he will approach the gate, point at me, and smile widely.

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