Friday, October 10, 2014

Waste My Time

Some how for some people, my time is worthless. These people keep wasting my time. I am writing this blog in order to use up my wasted time.

My time has been wasted for waiting. Again...waiting....waiting... However, if I do the opposite, these people can talk back to me and tell me off that I am wasting their time. So their time is so precious while mine is worthless.

I am just so tired of waiting. I should just build my own dream and don't have to care what other people think about me. Anyway...doesn't matter. I need to start thinking on my personal stuff rather than thinking about other people's...who ever they are.

At the end of the are alone...born alone...die alone...of course live your life alone even though on the mouth or on paper you have somebody to spend your life with.

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