Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dino Bounce at T4 and TokiDoki Snow Holiday at T3

 Marco came back on Sunday with a story about Changi Airport. He wanted to go again on Sunday because yesterday was fully booked.

I agreed to go Changi Airport and accompanied him to play. He was so brave to just enter alone without me accompanying him.

The TokiDoki Snow area is actually a cold room with snow. I let him go in alone as we only had 1 ticket for him. Only children above 7 years old can enter alone. So I lied to the counter staff by saying he was almost 8 years old. As he is tall, I think it still makes sense. He was so brave alone in the room and just enjoying himself.

I am glad that Marco is a very confident boy. He doesn't feel worry being alone in a foreign place. This already showed when he was 9month old. He enrolled to baby gym class. He never cried in the class and seemed very enjoying the process. He entered pre-school also, we never accompanied him on first day. He straight away went alone by himself. At least I can rest assure he is a very independent boy. He has to because he is the only child, like me.

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