Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reno - day 2 - 10th March 2010

We went there because we need to change our air-con order from system 3 to system 4.

Now the air-con become so expensive...or the correct word is too expensive for me.

Mitsubishi heavy industry - system 3 : $2880 ( 3 x 9K BTU )

Mitsubishi heavy industry - system 4 : $4000 ( 3 x 9K BTU + 1 x 24K BTU )

We dropped by to our house and check the progress so far. The actually had done mostly of the hacking. The TV wall was no longer there, all the toilet tiles were not there. The connecting wall between master bedroom and common bedroom had hole already. The kitchen was done.

For hacking, it's very fast.

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