Saturday, August 10, 2024


I always think about retirement anytime and anywhere. I have been planning since 9 years ago. I think it’s a bit late. I should have been thinking about it since I started working. However, comfort made me forgetting it.

There was a period of uncomfortable moments in my life. I would say “very uncomfortable” moments. These moment made me think even deeper and seriously about retirement. How long more should I get up in the morning and being slave of other’s dream. 

I watched some YouTube video on how much you really need to retire in Singapore. Unfortunately my social circle has no interest in financial planning, sadly. So most of my discussion is with either strangers or the person I just knew. I think it’s a good opportunity in exchanging ideas about money and personal finance. Some friends are very secretive, even I asked how much she rented her room. She felt reluctant to tell me. While I openly told anyone on the rent income. I think this is not personal info, because the rental rate of common room is about the same around one neighbourhood and anyone can check in the platform like Facebook or Carousell.

I developed obsession on investing and money around 8 years ago. I studied and really did a lot of research on this topic. In my head and manifest in my conversation is just investing and how to earn money so we don’t need to work for others. It may be boring and insane for others. I am what I am. 

I recalled when I was just working for a year or two in Jakarta. End of the month or early of the month, I went to Mall Taman Anggrek when most of the banks were there. I brought my cash (around 100 million rupiah) in my bag and walked around the banks, trying to find highest interest rate for my fixed deposit. That time it was quite good. 7-8% a yearly. So at least my petrol for work and lunch were paid by the interest from my fixed deposit. I was so diligent placing my little money to yielding me the most for my living expenses. That time I was not very knowledgeable in different financial instruments.

I feel like becoming myself again. I think this is the best condition for me to be my own self. I naturally crazy about investing. My risk appetite increase significantly recently. I don’t feel any emotion when my portfolio down so much. I just saw the apps and closed it then continued to sleep. Beside the temporary loss, I think I feel so good about being in control and no one messing with my finance. I can walk confidently to the retirement goal.

The instruments varies from low risk like FD, TBills, Bonds and Structure Deposits, to the high risk like options and futures. After knowing these, investment link insurance looks like rubbish of the rubbish. The funds which banks often offer also don’t look interesting anymore. With high risk instruments, I trade using leverage and 10-12% return I think it’s achievable if you are pessimistic. From optimistic perspective, I think 30% is achievable. 

My advice to my younger me that I should have been picking up this investing knowledge since very young and I should have started earlier because of compound interest. However, it’s better late than never. Investing may sound boring and complicated as topic, but everyone will understand when there is a will to learn. Life long learning.

I have a tot of living nomad overseas and the expenses must be covered by my return of investment. Just imagine, January to February I live in Batam. March to April live in Bangkok. May to June live in Hanoi. Then 3 months (July - September) travel around Europe, etc. You got the idea? Life is too short not to see things in the world. 

After thinking about this, I understand myself. I like freedom. I want to do what I like to do. To do so, money is the answer to allow freedom in your live. If you only work and safe, it won’t happen. By the time you retire, it’s too late to pick up on investing. Because investing works on compounding as well. 30ish and 40ish are the important period to roll your money to do its job. 

I am grateful that there was moment in my life woke me up and made me to be me again.

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